Students follow the undergraduate program as set forth by the university and for a major, political science may be selected leading to the Bachelor of Arts (120 credits) in Political Science (30 credits).

For the B.A. in Political Science, the student must complete 30 credits in the School of Diplomacy including, Political Science 101 Introduction to Political Science; Political Science 170/370 Political Philosophy; Political Science 124/424 International Law (includes US Law); Political Science 126/426 International Relations; Political Science 121/421 Political Systems; Political Science 123/423 Modern Political Institutions; Political Science 131/421 World Economy; Political Science 141/441 Theory of International Relations; Political Science 199A/399A Statistics; Political Science 199B/399B Research Methods.

From the description of the introductory course, the range of undergraduate studies in political science may be seen.

Political Science 101 Introduction to Political Science
This course attempts to understand the processes of behavior that make up government and politics; influence and power in politics; government and implementation of political decisions; public opinion and elections; political culture and socialization; legislative, executive, judicial and bureaucratic institutions; political leadership; dynamics of international relations; some consideration of various governments.

The other required courses for the B.A. in political science are cross-referenced with graduate courses e.g. for Political Science 126/426 International Relations, the student is to go to Psychology 426 International Relations. Undergraduate students are not usually required to do formal research term papers which are the sine qua non of graduate studies.

Those who have maintained a B or better average, may take the Political Science courses at the graduate level in the Junior and Senior years. An Associate in Arts ( A.A.) may be requested after 60 credits are completed in the appropriate areas.

The Bachelor’s degree prepares the student for entry into graduate studies in political science or related fields e.g. Law, Diplomacy. Qualified graduates are encouraged to apply for advanced standing in Ignatius University graduate programs in Peace Studies / Conflict Management or Organizational Management / Diplomacy.